you are a Haywards Heath landlord looking to liquidate your buy to let
investment or a homeowner looking to sell your home, finding a buyer and
selling your property can take an annoyingly long time. It is a step-by-step
process that can take months and months. In fact, one of the worst parts of the
house selling process is the not knowing how long you might be stuck at each
step. At the moment, looking at every estate agent in Haywards Heath,
independent research shows it is taking on average 52 days from the property
coming on the market for it to be sold subject to contract.
trust me that is just the start of a long journey on the house selling/buying
process. The journey is a long one and therefore, in this article, I want to take
you through the standard itinerary for each step of the house selling procedure
in Haywards Heath.
1 – Find a Buyer
need to instruct an estate agent (of
course we can help you with that) who will talk through a marketing
strategy and pricing strategy to enable you to find a buyer that fits your
circumstances. 52 days might be the average in Haywards Heath, yet as I have
said many times, the Haywards Heath property market is like a fly’s eye, split
up into lots of little micro markets.
Interestingly, I thought I would see which price band the highest proportion of properties had sold (stc); again – fascinating!
now you have a buyer; what next?
are a variety of distinctive issues at play when selling your property in Haywards
Heath, together with the involvement of a wide and varied range of
professionals who get involved in that process. That means there is are enormous
differences in how long it takes from one property to another. Moving forward
to the next steps, these are the average lengths of time it takes for each step
to give you some idea of what to expect.
2 - Sort Solicitors (and Mortgage)
something we can point you in the right direction to, but it will take a good
few weeks for your buyer to apply and sort their mortgage and for your solicitors
to prepare the legal paper work to send to the buyer.
3 – Legal Work and Survey
you buyer’s solicitor receives the paperwork from your solicitor, then your
buyer’s solicitor applies for local searches from the local authority (to
ensure no motorways etc., are going to be built in the back garden!). These Searches can take a number of weeks to
be returned to the buyer solicitors from the council, from which questions will
be raised by the buyer’s solicitor to your solicitor (trust me – you don’t see a tenth of the work that goes on behind closed
doors to get the sale through to completion). Meanwhile, the surveyor will
check the property to ensure it is worth the money and structurally sound.
Overall, this step can take between 3 and 6 weeks (sometimes more!).
4 – Exchange of Contracts
all the mortgage, survey and legal work comes back ok, both the buyer and
solicitor sign contracts, the solicitors then perform “Exchange of Contracts”.
When contracts are exchanged, this is the first time both buyer and seller are
tied in. Before then, they can walk away and you are probably 4 or 5 months
down the line from having put up the for sale board – this isn’t a quick
process! But hold on; we aren’t there yet!
5 – Completion
a week and up to six weeks after exchange of contracts, the buyer solicitor sends
the purchase money to the seller’s solicitor, and once that arrives, the keys
will be given to the buyer; phew!
conclude, all in all, you are looking at a good four, five even six months from
putting the for-sale board up to moving out.